Buenos Aires, in 1895 was a City in total expansion: economic, social, architectural. There was the age of « Progress ». Argentina « was updating » and setting in synchrony with the most important cities of the world. And they had the budget to develop it : exportation of cattle products was at its top in all the world. Then the president was José Evaristo Uriburu, a democratic with progresist ideas. Buenos Aires was requiring a lot of hand labor, and european countries were expulsing waves of immigrants to Argentina, where they found well payed jobs and sufficient alimentation for everyone.

The National Census of 1895 showed these results :  4 millions of inhabitants in the country and 633,000 in BuenosAires.The aliens were 27,000 more individuals than argentinians. All Buenos Aires was growing up throughout public work and constructions and was needed more and more jobs to mantain that structure. That year was inaugurated the first electric usine and the first bulbs were set in the city streets. They brought to the country the first car with engine, a Benz, for the amazement of the citizens. There showed up the first electric tramway. The cinema was projected for the first time at the Odeon Theatre.

In 1894 was inaugurated the impressive Palace of Waters, in Cordoba and Ayacucho, a building with blend of several architectural styles which was one of the most important constructions of that age.

Bicycles started to replace horses and the Cyclism Club was founded at that year. Buenos Aires developed vertiginously.

My grandfather Gaston Briand met in 1895 Eugénie Dartevelle, a 15 years old french girl, born in Château Regnault, Ardennes, daughter of Jules Dartevelle and Céline Fontaine. She lived two doors next from his house and was arrived to  Buenos Aires with her family in 1889. He married her in December 13th 1895, at his 19 years old.

On their act of marriage was written that he lived at : « 161 68th B Street  » and Eugénie « 169 68th B Street ». This street is now called Zelaya and is located behind the old Wholesale Food Market. (Mercado de Abasto).

<At left, map of David Rumsay Collection, Buenos Aires, 1892.


On this photo we can see the first Wholesale Food Market supplier of Fruits and Vegetables in 1893.

It was built on an almost empty area with very few houses around.

There came the first sewers and current water to the neighbourhood, and the first electric tramway started to run on Corrientes Street.


The neighborhood started to be populated with workers immigrants.

Then were showing up buildings for rent and houses for immigrants.

On 1900, the area was transformed in a zone of restaurants, night clubs, whorehouses and efficiencies.

At the Abasto's neighbourhood Carlos Gardel raised up and lived on there all his life.


Gaston Briand and Eugénie Dartevelle had 2 sons: Gaston Eugène Briand and Angel Carlos Briand.

Their first son, Gaston Eugène Briand, was born in Buenos Aires on January 15th 1900. They were at that time dwelling in  463 Billinghurst St. Gaston Eugène moved to France in 1920, and in 1922 he married Marguerite Zamaron (April 14th 1899 – December 28th 1979). They had 2 daughters born in Paris, France: Denise Eliane Briand, born in April 7th 1924 and Colette Gisèle Briand, born in April 24th 1926.

Six months later, Gaston Eugène died of typhoid fever, in Paris.

Colette Gisèle married with Ruben Barbe (1925) and they had 2 daughters: Dominique (1952) and Mireille Barbe (1956). Mireille Barbe married with Christian Bellot (1957) and they had 2 sons: Nicolas (1985) and Simon (1987). Denise Eliane was married with Pierre Corre (1916-1987) and she has a daughter, Béatrice Corre (1949) who is married with Patrick Pérez (1950), and they have 3 children: Anne-Caroline (1974), Emmanuelle (1974) and Frédérique (1978).


Angel Carlos Briand was born in Buenos Aires, on October 18th 1901. The family moved to the old neighborhood of Villa Urquiza, which was founded just the day of his birth. They were living on 248 17th Street. This street is named today "Ceretti".

<On this old map of the  David Rumsay Collection of London,of Buenos Aires in 1892, we can observe the 17th Street, Ceretti nowadays, in  Villa Urquiza. It was named at that time Villa Catalinas, and was a very few populated zone, with no more than 70 or 80 blocks.

At right, Triunvirato Avenue and Gándara St, at the beginning of the XXth Century>


Angel Carlos lived in Buenos Aires, was living 2 years in New York, and  married in Athus, Belgium, with Ida Madam ( 02-271902/08-27-1981 ), with whom he had a daughter, Yvette Eugénie Briand  ( 05-28-1925/07-11-1995 ).




Yvette was married with André Eugène Heuertz ( 04-26-1920/04-21-1991 ) and they had 2 sons: Patrice Heuertz ( Zaire, Congo, 11-22-1950/Marseille, 12-29-1994) and Thierry Heuertz, ( 6-22-1963) born in Luxembourg, married with Paula Cardoso Couto; they have 2 daughters: Anthea Heuertz ( 8-6-1992) and Marinda Heuertz (2-24-1997)

Ida Madam, Yvette Briand, Angel Carlos. Paula y Thierry Heuertz, Luxemburgo



Angel Carlos Briand was back in Buenos Aires in 1927, and he was married with:

Ana Eusebia Lisso Schuring


and they had 2 children:


        Yolanda Noemí Briand

( 13-10-1928 / 12-09-1981)

Yolanda Briand was married en first nuptials with Carlos Ortiz and secondly with Ernesto Tiraboschi with whom she had 2 children : Guillermo and Graciela Tiraboschi.


  Jorge Mario Briand

(17-06-1934 / 2002)

Here finishes the story of my grandfather Gaston's first marriage, with all his descendants.

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